“Coach teachers in and model effective use of technology tools and resources to systematically collect and analyze student achievement data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.“
2H Summary
- My cohort and I created a professional development workshop model using the ASSURE framework to provides for educators interested in improving technology integration with classroom management strategies to promote student agency.
- In the lesson we use a pre-assessment and post-assessment activity to collect the knowledge of our students (educators) on topics of classroom management and technology use. The pre-assessment provides data on their knowledge prior to the professional development activity and creates a baseline. The post-assessment reveals what the students (again, educators) learned by participating in the professional development.
- In this example data is collected using SurveyMonkey (other tools such as Qualtrics may be used) and analyzed accordingly (using apps such as Excel or advanced apps including Tableau or SPSS).
- In the ASSURE framework of our lesson plan, phase four (p. 11) includes evaluating and revising the lesson plan appropriately in an effort to improve the professional development and provide students (educators) the learning experience and knowledge they need to be successful in their own classrooms.
2H Evidence
Improving Technology Integration with Classroom Management Strategies