6A Summary and Evidence


“Engage in continual learning to deepen content and pedagogical knowledge in technology integration and current and emerging technologies necessary to effectively implement the Standards-S and Standards-T.

Collaborate with Others to Launch an Edcamp for Higher Education Professional (image by https://flic.kr/p/fkASXc)
Collaborate with Others to Launch an Edcamp for Higher Education Professional (image by https://flic.kr/p/fkASXc)

6A Summary

  • After attending two Edcamps I found myself wanting something more higher education focused.
  • Most higher education conferences are expensive and supported by vendors (which means you might receive endless email/phone solicitations).
  • My idea was to create a lightweight Edcamp+ based on the unconference model.
  • Each Edcamp+ would be facilitated by local educational technologists, but would strongly encourage to invite faculty and administration partners to participate.

6A Evidence

An Unconference Model for University Educational Technologists: Edcamp+
