2D Summary and Evidence


Coach teachers in and model design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences emphasizing creativity, higher-order thinking skills and processes, and mental habits of mind (e.g., critical thinking, metacognition, and self-regulation)

Learning around the Campfire (image by https://flic.kr/p/8Ash8f)
Learning around the Campfire (image by https://flic.kr/p/8Ash8f)

2D Summary

Sparking Creativity in Online Learning

  • I explored Thornburg’s (2007) framework (campfire, watering hole, and cave) for creating engaging online interactions by transporting and adapting face-to-face strategies of designing portals of online learning that provides specific space for students to learn, brainstorm, and internalize.
  • Furthermore, I explored the focus on requiring students to interact and engage with each other rather than only making it a suggested activity.
  • The campfire, watering hole, and cave framework provides students the opportunity to think creativity, process together, and experience dedicated time and space for metacognition to flourish.

Real World Creative Problem Solving

  • In an undergraduate education there are plenty of opportunities to learn new information and explore topics from different lenses. However, there is a need to provide students with real-world experiences that prepare them for life post graduation that stretches their imagination, launches creative juices, and trains their approach and steps when managing projects.
  • I explored two activities at one university where professors connect art students with business students to create media and company branding together. In addition, I explores the 21st century skills needed, such as critical thinking, as core to supporting students develop their problem solving experience.

2D Evidence

Sparking Creativity in Online Learning: Light a Candle: Implementing Campfires, Watering Holes, and Caves into Online Learning

Real world creative problem solving: Problem Solving Education in the University
