Author: Ryan Ingersoll

Redeeming Anonymous Spaces

This past fall quarter I completed one of the first courses in SPU’s MEd in Digital Education Leadership. The course, Values, Ethics, and Foundations in Digital Education, required weekly reflections on readings and class discussions. Eric Stoller’s recent Inside Higher Ed piece, Don’t Ban Yik Yak, inspired me to adapt my reflection–regarding anonymity and digital wellness–into a blog post about… Read more →

Using Technology to Spur Innovation and Creativity in Teaching and Learning

Introduction This quarter I am in EDTC 6102 for the MEd in Digital Education Leadership program. In this course we focus on teaching, learning, and assessment. For each module we exercise cognitive presence by responding to the ISTE Standards for Students with a triggering question, explore our question by researching and discovering relevant articles and resources, integrate our class discussion… Read more →

Flexibility and Participation: Reflection on EDTC 6100

The end of the quarter is quickly approaching and only a few assignments left to edit and submit to complete the inaugural quarter of SPU’s new digital education leadership MEd. Reflecting on this past quarter I find there are two main pieces of information that might be helpful for future students to successfully complete their first quarter. First, students should… Read more →

Digital Readiness Project Reflection

Process In the first course of the digital education leadership program we were asked to interview an administrator from our individual contexts with questions based on the 5th standard, digital citizenship, for technology coaches from the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE). Our first course provided a foundation to ask questions analyzing the digital readiness of a particular aspect… Read more →

Digital Learning: Guiding Principle 3

This is one of four posts encompassing my digital learning mission statement and guiding principles. They are work in progress and I would love your feedback. Guiding Principle Inspire competent digital citizens to actively participate in the world as learners, educators, and advocates for others in unique ways. Competent This integrates the the following various components discussed in my mission… Read more →

Digital Learning: Guiding Principle 2

This is one of four posts encompassing my digital learning mission statement and guiding principles. They are work in progress and I would love your feedback. Guiding Principle Constantly learning about new digital technologies and evaluating–with community participation–for effective and appropriate implementation. Learn Learning is never finished. It is a constant process. This isn’t so much about reading all the… Read more →

Digital Learning: Guiding Principle 1

This is one of four posts encompassing my digital learning mission statement and guiding principles. They are work in progress and I would love your feedback. Guiding Principle A holistic, realistic, and comprehensive understanding and integration of one’s complete life in digital (online) and physical (offline) spaces. Online and Offline: Integrated With the advent of digital life we can easily… Read more →

Digital Learning: Mission Statement

This is one of four posts encompassing my digital learning mission statement and guiding principles. They are work in progress and I would love your feedback. Mission Statement I come alongside others mentoring and providing educational resources by empowering others to become thoughtful, wise, and safe digital citizens who can adeptly and healthily integrate and use digital technology for their… Read more →
